Why banking apps don’t allow rooted phones or custom ROMs?
Are custom ROMs safe to use?
Custom ROMs are certainly great if your phone’s stock ROM isn’t optimized well or you don’t prefer its user interface. They are usually smoother and bloatware-free compared to the one which came pre-installed on your smartphone. However, they’re by third-party developers. So, the question comes to our mind- how safe are custom ROMs to use?
Apps to debloat in MIUI safely using Mi Debloat Tool!
Xiaomi smartphones, especially their Redmi and POCO series are priced very competitively. Hence, they are extremely popular. However, apart from their QC issues, their one of their biggest issues are bloatware apps they are included with. It’s very easy to debloat MIUI though, so it’s not an issue. The issue, however, is that not every app should be removed. So, here you can find the list of apps to debloat in MIUI safely.