Are custom ROMs safe to use?
Custom ROMs are certainly great if your phone’s stock ROM isn’t optimized well or you don’t prefer its user interface. They are usually smoother and bloatware-free compared to the one which came pre-installed on your smartphone. However, they’re by third-party developers. So, the question comes to our mind- how safe are custom ROMs to use?
Why Decrypted ROM is bad for you?
People who switch between custom ROMs often are getting inclined towards decryption. It is mainly due to TWRP or other custom recoveries not being able to decrypt A12 ROMs. So, if one doesn’t have SD card or OTG, it becomes hard to flash custom ROM or kernel. Due to these things, people often flash decrypted ROM or flash DFE to decrypt their ROM. At times, people unknowingly flash decrypted ROMs too. It’s quite bad for your phone’s data security though.