iPhones’ battery health degrades faster than Android?
Apple faced a lot of criticism when we got to know that they deliberately slow down iPhones when the battery health is low. And after that, they provided the feature to see battery health as well as option to disable performance throttle. However, people started panicking seeing how quickly their phone’s battery health is degrading.
What can you do about lock screen text in iPhone?
It’s quite common for Android users to add their name or write something as lock screen text. Some people like to add their alternative contact number as well, so in case their phone is lost and found by some good person, they can call to the owner. And meanwhile you might be wondering if it is possible to add lock screen text in iPhone or not.
Why Android phones slows down before iPhones?
Android phones slows down before iPhones and that’s quite famous. iPhones are known to run smoothly for years, unlike Android. Well, that’s the thing which we’ve known since a while, but how true it is – and if that’s true then what’s the reason behind this?