How to setup My Card in iPhone?

How to setup My Card in iPhone?

Apple iPhones are quite popular among youngsters as well as professionals who wants a smartphone which “just works”. Well, even though iPhones are reliable, they also have bugs here and there, especially after new iOS updates. And not being able to save “My Card in iPhone or iPad” is certainly one of such bugs which have been there since a while.

NAT Boost / Acceleration in WiFi routers

NAT Boost / Acceleration in Wi-Fi routers – Pros & Cons!

NAT Boost or NAT Acceleration or Hardware Acceleration in Wi-Fi routers is a feature which helps you to get peak speed of your high-speed broadband connection, called by different names by different Wi-Fi brands. It’s actually CTF (cut-through forwarding) and FA (flow accelerator). It’s available in most mid-range to flagship grade Wi-Fi routers and mainly helps those with high-speed Internet connection.

cloudflare warp stuck on connecting

Cloudflare WARP VPN stuck on “Connecting”!

Cloudflare’s WARP is quite famous among people because it’s not just free but fast as well as quite trustworthy. It’s not like typical VPNs which people usually use to hide their identity, but it’s for those who want to improve their Internet connection and it works for many, mainly for those whose ISP don’t have great routing. There are some issues surrounding WARP though. There are times when Cloudflare WARP stuck at connecting and no matter how long you wait, it doesn’t connect.